Design thinking and digital products: a necessary relationship
Design thinking is an increasingly relevant methodology in the product creation process, with the objective of improving solutions and seeking innovative altern...
Learn to think like your customer with an empathy map
Understanding the user is one of the biggest challenges for those who develop digital products and experiences. Fortunately, there are tools that help with this...
UX best practices for digital products
The user experience (UX) can be a great strategic differential for a digital product, creating a relationship of greater satisfaction between the customer and t...
Usability as a key point for systems
Usability is fundamental to any system, whatever its purpose. A system with good usability reduces costs, time and optimizes the performance of tasks.Usability ...
4 metrics to measure the performance of your UX design
Tracking metrics provides important information regarding the performance of a digital project. We can look at people's needs, what their experiences have been ...
Steps to turn your idea into a digital solution
Creating a digital solution that can scale and reach its niche market is the dream of many entrepreneurs.To help you finally get your idea off the ground and pu...

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