Design thinking and digital products: a necessary relationship

Design thinking is an increasingly relevant methodology in the product creation process, with the objective of improving solutions and seeking innovative alternatives in the market.

With design thinking, it is possible to further explore the problem, the users and the digital product. Understand how this process works, its advantages and how to use it in your project.

What is design thinking

Design thinking is a set of practices used to offer products and services according to the real needs of customers.

This method is increasingly used by businesses that want to improve their services in an agile, intuitive and planned way, as it takes advantage of the creative potential and empathy beyond the creation of the product itself.

It is an approach that seeks to solve problems in a collaborative way, always with an empathetic perspective with its stakeholders. Everyone involved in the idea is placed at the center of all product development, not just the end consumer.

Design thinking has a few steps, which in short are: empathy, definition, ideation, prototyping, testing and implementation. Steps can take place in parallel and can be revised at any time.

Why use design thinking when creating digital products?

Digital products are innovative solutions to problems that can be complex and poorly defined. The creation of these products requires constant improvement to arrive at a useful, reliable and desirable result.

Design thinking brings a deeper and more realistic understanding of the problem before moving on to the solution itself, which is the digital product. This increases the chances of developing an innovative solution and prototyping ideas as early as possible, having relevant feedback that will really add to the product.

With design thinking, you stop building products that are inappropriate for use, that are not necessary for the user or that were poorly developed, and start to create solutions that really are able to help the user.

How it's done

We have talked so far that design thinking is a problem-solving methodology that uses the mindset and design tools. But this is also a practical approach!

The design thinking process is experiment-oriented and user-centric. These two concepts are presented in practice based on research with users and the prototyping of ideas.

The digital product design is done while this process takes place. At the same time that the problem is understood and user empathy is created, the product itself is structured and prototyped.

Let's start?

Here at Vibryt, design thinking is at the heart of all of our digital products. We can develop your project with the best methodologies, with a focus on the user and on agility.

Want to know how we can help your business? Contact us!

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